Pia Hede

1978 Student language: English & German written, spoken, read - French & Swedish spoken

1986 Graduated as Textile Designer

2003 Graduated as Graphical designer KSC Vejle

Worked as a industrial textile designer for two years at Martensens Brande, DK

Artificial designer & leader of different groups, making murals and mosaics at several big decoration jobs both inside and outside different buildings in Vejle.

2011 Design of Artwork for CD COVER: ALICE IS NOT IN WONDERLAND By the Irish singer songwriter PAT KELLY

The entrant of various artistic exhibitions: Among others Vejle Art Museum ”Through The Times”

2002 exhibition and auction. Brandts Odense Denmark Permanent exhibition at the acupuncture clinic: AKU Hydro Punktet in Vejle

Arranging and teaching at various art classes in my home

The last 20 years I have run a Bed & Breakfast from my home Casa Mundo at Vejle fjord. The meeting with all kind of people from all over the world inspires me as an artist and influent on my very positive feeling about other people and life it self.

I am educated at the Design School in Kolding DK and in graphic design from KSC in Vejle DK.

Since I finished the Designs School in 1986, I have worked with Art and Design in many ways:
Interior and exterior decoration, textile design for the industry for two years, as a group leader and inspiratior for creative teams, teacher and organizer of my own art courses.

I started my career with colour decoration and painting on the wall over four floors at The VUC (now Vejle language school), where a tale of colours and images form a cycle all the way up the building. Then followed the most diverse range of tasks, including a 20 m2 ceramic wall mosaik in Gulkrog Centre in Vejle. Here, I together with a group of local users made everything from idea till, manufacturing our own tiles to the final configuration.

My art and vision
I am experimenting with both the figurative and the non-figurative expression.
Symbols, images and photos included in the larger compositions of colours, patterns and forms.

The creative process is an important tool for greater flexibility, conflict resolution, innovation and a kick-start to new social relations.
The creative process opens doors and stimulates awareness in other ways than through the spoken language.
When we are working with art, we are trained in listening to our inner voice.
It is positive for as we act in accordance with our internal,
we will be happier people, and we'll be more balanced.

Travelling is living. I like travelling and find great inspiration in meeting with the unknown.
I have a dream of world peace and respect between people and cultures.
Through my pictures, I hope to convey a common language across borders,
As the beholder feel that we, despite external differences inside we are not so different indeed.