Veronica Waleson                   

Veronica Waleson (1961) combines artwork with her work as a consultant. For her there is no other way than to experience live in all feilds available. Her paintings express her feelings. That is why the paintings are very varied. Most time it is figurative, but colours, style, size and image change. Often it concerns dreams, sometimes it is inspired by current news topics and now and then she urges to put on canvas feelings she has for certain persons. Her work is purchased by persons who are touched in recognizing the idea behind the image. She paints to communicate without words and that is why she is delighted when someone shows interest in her work. Because of a very busy working schedule she has had a few exhibitions so far:

Land en Bosch, Netherlands 2002, Rooms for Passion

Pierrefitte, France 2003, Allegria

Antwerpen, Belgium 2003, Koens Vernissage