Hidesawa Sudo

(b. 1973 Osaka, Japan) A fine-art photographer based in Osaka, Japan. Has worked professionally in sports photography in Tokyo. He regularly photographs people, landscapes, etc. In order to create the impressive & passionate images, he prefers to use available light such as natural daylight in both black & white and colour photography.

1973 - Born in Osaka, Japan
1996 - Graduates from Otemon Gakuin University in Osaka, Japan (majors in Economics)
1997 - Fine Art Exhibition at the Kyung-Hee University Gallery
(Group, Seoul, South Korea)
2000 - Attends a workshop by Magnum Photos. Inspired by
Chris Steele Perkins (Tokyo, Japan)
2001 - Joins the Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain
(Bath, England)
2002 - Areum Exhibition at Kyoto Municipal Museum of Art
(Group, Kyoto, Japan)
2002 - Areum Param Exhibition at the Gallery Art Space K (Group,
Osaka, Japan)
2002 - The 7th How are you, PHOTOGRAPHY? Exhibition at the Koju
Gallery (Group, Kyoto, Japan)
2003 - The Month of Photography Osaka 2003 at the Sen-Space Gallery (Group, Osaka, Japan)
2003 - The 8th How are you, PHOTOGRAPHY? Exhibition at the
Dohjidai Gallery of Art (Group, Kyoto, Japan)
2004 - Transitions Exhibition at the Community Gallery
(Group, Leamington Spa, England)
2004 - "Travels in Japan and Korea" at the Theatre Chipping
Norton (Solo, Oxford, England)
2004 - The 9th How are you, PHOTOGRAPHY? Exhibition at the Koju
Gallery (Group, Kyoto, Japan)
2005 - The Month of Photography Osaka 2005 at the Fujifilm
Photo Salon (Group, Osaka, Japan)
2005 - The Exhibition of the Five Artists at Marziart
Internationale Galerie (Group, Hamburg, Germany)
2005 - The International Biennale of Contemporary Art
(Group, Arad, Romania)
2005 - The RPS 148th International Print Exhibition (Group,
UK United Kingdom)
2005 - Joins the Canadian Association for Photographic Art
2006 - The Month of Photography Osaka 2006 at the Sen-Space Gallery (Group, Osaka, Japan)
2006 - Contemporary Photography in Japan Exhibition at the Ginza Artbox Gallery (Group, Tokyo, Japan)
2007 - The Month of Photography Osaka 2007 at the Pilzen Gallery (Group, Osaka, Japan)
2007 - Perspectives on Love at the Collingwood Gallery (Group, Melborne, Australia)
2008 - The Permanent Exhibition at Australia Library in Otemon Gakuin University (Solo, Osaka, Japan)
2008 - The Month of Photography Osaka 2008 at the Sen-Space Gallery (Group, Osaka, Japan)
2008 - "From Near and Far": The RPS Victorian Chapter Exhibition at the Melbourne Camera Club Gallery (Group, Melbourne, Australia)
2008 - "Still Life Revisited": The RPS Contemporary Group Exhibition at the Warwickshire Arts Week (Group, Warwickshire, England)
2008 - Holga Expo 2008 at the Gallery Nadar (Group, Tokyo/Osaka, Japan)
2008 - Artportfolio in Artzone 2008 (Group, Kyoto, Japan)
2008 - Attends the 120th anniversary ceremony of Otemon Gakuin University at Osakajo-Hall (Osaka, Japan)

The RPS 148th International Print Exhibition (UK United Kingdom)

2002 - "Art, Life and Photography" series: Contemporary
Photography Journal (The Contemporary Group of the RPS,
Bath, England)
2002 - "Untitled" series: Areum Exhibition (Areum Art
Network, Kyoto, Japan)
2003 - "Photo Gallery Room 73" series: Photographer's
Webring (Franco Olivetti, Milano, Italy)
2004 - "New Photographer's File" (ARTBOX International,
Tokyo, Japan)
2004 - "Travels in Japan and Korea" series: Contemporary
Photography Journal (The Contemporary Group of the RPS,
Bath, England)
2005 - "Aimless Walk" (Photoback, Tokyo, Japan)
2005 - "The Royal Photographic Society 148th International
Print Exhibition Catalogue" (Bath, England)
2006 - "Contemporary Photography in Japan vol.7" (ARTBOX International, Tokyo, Japan)
2006 - "The International Biennale of Contemporary Art Catalogue" (Arad, Romania)
2007 - "Hidesawa Sudo: An RPS Visitor from Japan" (The RPS Victorian Chapter Newsletter, Melbourne, Australia)
2008 - "Still Life Revisited Catalogue" (The Contemporary Group of the RPS,
Bath, England)
2008 - "From Near and Far CD Catalogue" (The RPS Victorian Chapter, Melbourne, Australia)

Mensline Australia (Melbourne, Australia)
Australia Library at Otemon Gakuin University (Osaka, Japan)