Joek van Draanen


For  quite some time  Joek is active in the field of plastic arts. Like his brother John, Joek, from his early years on, spent many ours in his dad's workshop. There, in an almost natural way, he became familiar with the technique and the emotions of the creative process. A college education and lessons from various sculptors helped Joek to integrate his father's inspiring lessonsinto his own original glass and bronze  sculpturesIn Joek's  art the difficult technique is totally subjected  to the final result. With their elusive, archetype-like forms - adapted from nature- his creations refer to nothing else than to themselves. Our subconciousness is being provoked in a curious manner. Theseworks tickle the mind and prompt to dawning  phantasies. Joek's sculptures of glass and bronze are all unica. They are also unique in their technicality, composition and quality, three elements valued by the many admirer's of  Joek's work.